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Birds of Forest Levels Jeopardy Game Fun!

Click on the link below to download a jeopardy quiz game to use with a class after watching my video describing birds found at different forest levels! The video link is also to the right!  You can play the video from YouTube and expand the video so it fill the screen.

Directions for Playing the Jeoparday Game

1. Go to Slide Show menu

Bird Level Jeopardy play game.jpg
jeopardy bird level title.jpg

2. Click Play from Sart


5. Click on the menu button to bring you back to the game menu.

3. Click on a button to bring up a game question. I clicked on the yellow button one under the category Bird Levels.

Blue button.jpg

4. After reading the question, click on the Parula Warbler button to reveal the answer.


6. Question buttons that were clicked on turn blank.  Teachers, you may want to divide class in half and tally answers.  All questions in the game have the same value!

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